Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Skills Audit- Areas To Improve

As I'm a young actor I think I have a lot to improve on but I'm fine with that's as that why I'm at Brit School to help improve. The main I have noticed that I need to improve on are:

Speaking With Sharp Articulation ( speaking at the front of my mouth):  This is properly one of the biggest for me to over come as not just an actor but when I'm talking to friends and family. For an actor in theatre you have to have a loud strong voice and say every letter and sound in the word this is how you gain sharp and strong articulation.  to do this I can do tongue twister ever day to use the muscles in my mouth that I don't use.

Working Three Sides Of The Audience:  I learnt this technique last term for TTWCT and I think did okay with this method however I think I did at times only perform two sides. To improve I think I could use the sword method Mr Rennison suggested and practised using ways to move my body so all three sides can see me clearly. Also, I found it quite to work three sides as it felt quite unnatural as in real life I don't make sure all sides can see I just naturally walk or turn in director however as an actor I need to adapt and practice this therefore I can do this technique naturally.

Playing My Character Without Caring: This sounds such a basic thing and I thought I grow out of it as I'm 15 but I do still care what people think of me. However, I do need to break habit as I'm in rehearsal I'm only performing to class mates, so what do I have to loose? Also, I think if I don't care my acting will look more realistic and I will fur fill my objectives to 100 per cent.

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